
Dry Rot Repair

At Downey Exterminators, Inc. we provide full wood repair and replacement caused by termite damage and dry rot. We offer specialized construction on structural repairs that will restore the damage done to ensure your property is safe.

What is Dry Rot?

Another source of structural damage is dry rot. Dry rot occurs when construction wood becomes compromised by fungi growth or other species. Dry rot takes consumes wood that contains moisture of 20 percent or higher. The fungus causes the wood to lose its stiffness, resulting in brittle and fragile areas. Some common signs of dry rot include: appearance of fungi, damaged timber, cracked wood, brittle wood and a moldy smell.

Do not leave dry rot unchecked. By leaving dry rot uncheck your property can be completely compromised and may jeopardize the structural components of your building. It is vital to find the source of the moisture in the wood, if you suspect that you may have Dry Rot, call us today for your full inspection.

This Is What Dry Rot Looks Like


Call to Schedule Your Inspection Today!
